The first energy and cost-efficient
disruptive ZLD Technology for dredged
material management, allowing circular
economy and zero pollution

Environmentally friendly solution for dredged material management

The Project ASEC

A Project funded by the European Union´s European Innovation Council (EIC) (Horizon 2022-Accelerator Program, grant agreement number 190180588) aims to design and build an innovative disruptive technology to separate and valorise the water and solids from dredged materials as pilot plant scale. 

Dredging is an essential activity to maintain maritime and river routes, coastal protection to flooding, among others. Every year, over 2 Bm3 of sediments are dredged around the world, 20-40% of which are highly polluted and must be treated before being disposed to landfill (as current treatment and separation technologies do not allow to cost-efficiently valorise the water and the solids from this dredged material).
Water Challenge has developed and patented the first energy-efficient truly Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD+) technology able to separate 100% of dredged material into fresh water and crystalized solids in one step, without chemicals and with very low energy consumption (<20 kWh/m3).

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2022 research and innovation program under grant agreement N° 190180588.